In Filiatra, a nearly deserted township in Messenia, the few farmers who remain are constantly struggling to pay off their debts to the Agricultural Bank. A tailor and old runner named Andreas (Vaggel...
Loukas (Lazaros Andreou), who is a scrap dealer, constantly avoids coping with the difficulties of his life. When he falls in love with Zena (Afroditi Al-Saleh), who is involved with a gang of illicit...
A man belonging politically to the Left (Nikos Kalogeropoulos) comes to the verge of killing himself after a severe crisis. He tries to write a book about things that used to be and are no more. Every...
Η ταινία βασίζεται στην υπόθεση Παγκρατίδη που συνελήφθη, δικάστηκε και καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο, για τα εγκλ...
Three marginalized types (Dimitris Poulikakos, Thekla Tselepi and Konstantinos Christidis) are constantly challenging the establishment. Their lives are filled with love, adventure and humor. When the...